Green education in digital toolkit is an accessible and well-rounded tool and it may be adapted in contents and subject as well. The toolkit is based on innovative methodology for educating and training the target groups including 15-30 aged youngsters, youth workers and youth leaders, young volunters who want to make activities voluntarily, including ESC volunteer, environmental educators, the members of Environmental Organisations and youth organizations.
The created app will include 50 learning modules that displays practical activities and challenges to change behaviours towards more sustainable communities. These challenges and modules will be accompanied by outdoor exploration activities namely the creation of small pieces of art with anything found outdoors or upcycling objects in the houses that not being used etc.
Developing a volunteering programme will become a source of encouragement for young people not only to work towards protecting the environment, but also actively fighting against climate change.
Through the combination of various materials and different approaches, we will fight against climate change by empowering the youth, hence creating a generational impact.
Promoting voluntary engagement of young people for a green environment and in the fight against climate change
AboutIn the 21st century, we experience a sharp increase in environmental and social problems such as global warming, climate change, pollution, population growth, waste disposal, loss of biodiversity and deforestation have increased, leading to ecological disasters that require urgent solutions.
The fight against climate change is becoming increasingly important, as it's been threatening the environment and human life for years. Environmental and climate protection measures are among the most important current and future priorities of the European Union.
Project no: 2022-2-FR02-KA220-YOU-000097283
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